Tears As Cat Snuggles Up to Late Dogs’ Collars: ‘Breaks My Heart’

Popular culture will have you believe that cats and dogs are mortal enemies, but the truth is that when introduced properly, the two can not only live together without conflict, they can also become the best of friends.

A pair of cats named Aslan and Bella, managed to build such a strong bond with their late canine siblings that it lasted even after they crossed the rainbow bridge. The pets’ owner captured the sweet bond in a heartbreaking video that quickly went viral on social media.

In the clip, shared on TikTok earlier in July, under the username chrissyb806, one of the poster’s cats can be seen lying on top of his late canine siblings’ collars, as if trying to feel their presence even while knowing they’re gone.

The other cat can be seen hiding behind the window curtain, perhaps too shy to make his feelings clear to his owner.

A caption explains: “Our two beloved family dogs crossed the rainbow bridge today. This is how our cats reacted shortly after.

“Aslan and Bella have known our dogs for their entire lives. I expected them to grieve in their own way, but never expected to see something like this. It hurts knowing that they’re hurting too.”

Numerous studies have proved that cats and dogs can love each other just as much as they love their owners, if not more. The key to a peaceful existence between them is an appropriate introduction.


Aslan and Bella have known our dogs for their entire lives. I expected them to grieve in their own way but never expected to see something like this. It hurts knowing that they’re hurting too ? #petloss #grief #rainbowbridge #cats

♬ one more light – favsoundds

The video quickly went viral on social media, getting viewers from across TikTok. It has so far received over 201,700 views and 17,000 likes on the platform.

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