Getting a full night’s sleep without waking up even once is surprisingly uncommon. However, it’s essential if you want to stay completely productive the next day without feeling drained.
A lot of people assume that just going to bed at the right time guarantees restful sleep, but they often find themselves waking up—typically between 3:00 AM and 5:00 AM. For some, this isn’t a big deal, but for others, it can be frustrating, especially if falling back asleep proves difficult.
Interestingly, this pattern isn’t just random or bad luck. There’s actually a deeper reason behind it.
The “Hour of the Wolf”
The time frame between 3:00 AM and 5:00 AM is sometimes referred to as the “hour of the wolf,” a term popularized by Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman in his psychological horror film of the same name.
“The hour between night and dawn … when most people die, sleep is deepest, nightmares are most real. It is the hour when the sleepless are haunted by their worst anguish, when ghosts and demons are most powerful. The hour of the wolf is also the hour when most babies are born,” Bergman once explained.
Professor Birgitta Steene notes that this title actually comes from Swedish folklore, where the “hour of the wolf” marks the eerie period between 3:00 AM and 5:00 AM.
This time window is thought to be associated with both an increase in deaths and births. It’s also when the body enters its most profound state of rest, making its functions more sensitive to disruption.
Many folk traditions link this period to supernatural activity, referring to it as the “witching hour” or the “devil’s hour.” According to these beliefs, witches, ghosts, and demons are at their most powerful during this time.
Why Do We Wake Up at This Hour?
For those who sleep soundly, this stretch of time represents the deepest stage of rest. But for those who find themselves suddenly awake, it’s often when anxiety hits the hardest.
The body’s circadian rhythm—its internal 24-hour clock—naturally syncs with the cycle of day and night. During the late-night hours, body temperature, blood pressure, and metabolism all decrease as the body settles into rest mode.
Around 4:00 AM, these functions hit their lowest point, as the body is in a state of complete recovery. However, if you struggle with anxiety, this drop can amplify feelings of stress, which may be why you wake up feeling restless.