Why you shouldn’t pee in the shower

If you ask a group of people whether they pee in the shower, chances are at least a few will admit to it. In fact, it’s a habit many people have.

For some, it happens only on rare occasions, while others do it more frequently. But if you’re someone who regularly pees in the shower, you might just change your mind by the time you finish reading this!

Is Peeing in the Shower Actually a Big Deal?

It’s no secret that some people prefer to relieve themselves while showering, and yes, there are certain benefits. One major advantage is that it’s more environmentally friendly. Plus, according to urologists cited by CNN, peeing in the shower is generally safe for both men and women.

Since warm water helps relax your muscles, urinating in the shower might feel natural. However, there are some potential downsides that shouldn’t be ignored.

When Peeing in the Shower Might Be a Bad Idea

If you have an open wound, urinating in the shower isn’t the best choice. Contact with urine can increase the risk of infection, allowing bacteria or fungi to grow. This is especially concerning for individuals who have had a urinary tract infection (UTI), as their urine may contain higher levels of bacteria.

Sharing a shower with others? You may want to think twice. Some infections, like MRSA, can spread through contaminated surfaces, including shower floors, according to Healthline.

Another issue is that frequent urination in the shower can create a subconscious association between the sound of running water and the need to pee. While this might not be a big deal for most, someone with an overactive bladder could find themselves struggling to hold it at inconvenient times. To avoid this, it’s best to empty your bladder before stepping into the shower.

And let’s be clear—peeing in a bathtub is never a good idea. Unlike showers, bathtubs and hot tubs create a standing pool of water, which can promote bacterial growth and increase the risk of UTIs.

Final Thoughts

All in all, urinating in the shower is generally safe, but there are situations where it’s better to avoid it.

So, after reading this, has your opinion changed? Do you still think peeing in the shower is no big deal, or will you be rethinking your habits? Let us know in the comments and share this with others to hear their take!

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